Carmel Brennan is a painter, photographer, mixed media artist and more. Over the summer Carmel went on the adventure of a lifetime. Here she tells us a little about her excursion to the Orkney Islands...
Carmel Brennan's Orkney Islands Adventure
On a whim this summer I booked myself in to a course in Archeology & Printmaking in the Orkney Islands. First I had to find out where Orkney is! I am well travelled but I’m glad I have a computer to explore locations. This was an absolute adventure.
Although I was born in the UK this landscape was something I hadn’t seen before - quite treeless, atmospheric and vibrant. The wind whips across the land from sea to sea.
On a whim this summer I booked myself in to a course in Archeology & Printmaking in the Orkney Islands. First I had to find out where Orkney is!
I spent time at the Ness of Brodgar, a finger of land between two lochs in which lie Neolithic complex structures dating back to over 5000 years ago. I saw Maeshowe a Neolithic burial chamber. I learned about the Ness Battery and the strategic positioning of the Scapa flow during two world wars. I feel as if I am becoming a history buff – I was inspired!
And now I’m reading George Mackay Brown and hunting for other Ocadian literature. Life is an adventure!
Come this weekend, September 15 &16 and enjoy the results of my inspiration in original printed collagraphs, paintings and photography Studio #29, Sunderland, on the Uxbridge Studio Tour.
There will be more to come. I hope to see you.
Carmel Brennan, OSA
Meet Carmel Brennan at Studio 29 during the 2018 Uxbridge Studio Tour.