•  Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada

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Fly Freeman

The constant exploration of new materials and scale make Fly Freeman's sculptures and functional artworks truly unique.


Fly Freeman is a sculptor who constantly explores and expands her sculptural practice, starting as a carver of wood and stone, but now working in wood, paper, metal, glass and sometimes resin and textile.

Fly Freeman, Uxbridge Sculptor

Fly Freeman, Sculpture

Her work investigates and delights in colours and textures; the unseen physical forces of gravity and friction, balance and tension.

Moving to Canada has opened her up to a more extreme climate, different seasons, hot summers and cold winters – a land that bakes in the summer and goes dormant in the winter.

The colours of the landscape in this part of Ontario and the stresses and shifts of extreme weather change, inform her work.

Studio 11

For 2024 Fly will be welcoming guests to view not only her own work but that of Ann CummingsJeannine Rosenberg and Sundown Dyes at her studio/gallery at the north end of Uxbridge.


To purchase a piece of Fly's work or discuss a commission piece contact Fly directly through her website, by email, or by giving her a call.

Studio 11 - 27 Sandy Hook Road, Uxbridge, L9P 1X2

Instagram: @flyfreesculpture

Studio Map

Fly Freeman, Sculpture & Functional Art

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Uxbridge Studio Tour

Couldn't we all use a little more art right now?
art challenges perception

For 2024 we are looking forward to an open-doors studio tour without the need for appointments! Check back often to learn more about this year's tour.

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